My Home Lab Setup!

HomeLabOverview GitHub Repo

Creating my own home lab using PfSense router/firewall solution configuring pi-hole as my DNS to block unwanted AD's. Acme for signed certificates for cloudflare and NginX Proxy. The type 1 hypervisor I will be using is ProxMox. Then to finish it all up I will be using NginX reverse proxy to link my ProxMox server to the public web and use content switching to access services that have a landing page and Apache Guacmole to have RDP access via any web browser to the various VM's that do not have a landing page for access.

This repository is more to document the various hardware and parts I am using to create my entire home lab. For detailed build instructions please click the links bellow and I will have detailed writeups on step by step install and configurations for them.


  • Dell T620
  • 2x ICY DOCK 2 bay 2.5 SAS +3.5" slot
  • ICY DOCK 6 bay SSD
  • 3x 9211 HBA
  • 300 GB ram
  • 2x 6 core Intel CPU
  • VNOPN micro firewall
  • Managed Switch

Router & Firewall

  • PfSense
  • acme
  • pihole
  • haproxy

ProxMox and Virtual Machines

  • ProMox
  • Kali Linux
  • Plex Media Server
  • True NAS

Domain & internet security

  • GoDaddy domain
  • CloudFlare


  • Apache Guacmole RDP